GNSS Outlook

Third year and Fourth year students that I promised to give handouts on GPS please read and download this GPS hand out. This what i could compile at short notice, part of it are extracts from my book (GPS Ambiguity Problem - Resolution and validation) for more information that may not be contained in the hand out - try to access the book itself on amazon or a preview of it at least the link is also provided below.

This is link to look at the published book . Those able may purchase.

The classes required to have some background on GNSS and GPS should download the following handout. 


  1. Hey, this is good staff, faster, cheaper and more global...... big ups to Basta. Felix

  2. yo man, good stuff here. BUT, kud you pliz change the yellow background colour? its kinda hurting to the eyes. it strains them en ts so bright. thanks. paul.


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