Cartography Class 2015


This is to welcome the B.Sc. in Surveying and Land Information Systems 3rd Year Cartography I Class of 2015. Do feel free to browse through the topics available as covered by your predecessors currently in fourth year. I advise you to in addition seek their respective topics guidance in the way they presented them because they did a fairly good job as evidenced from their final results.

NB: These presentations have a big bearing on how your final mark in this course unit will look so my advise is do your best to set the standards high and impress me as earlier briefed.

Our presentations are beginning as follows: Take time to study the eligible groups for each particular date so that no group is caught off guard. Prior notice is advised in cases of any inconveniences. All work to be presented has to first be emailed to Mr. Kabagambe Mathius at least 24 hours before the presentation time. 

Eligible Groups
Eligible Groups
October  14th   
1, 2, 3, 7, 5
November 18th
4, 9,10,8,6
October 21st    
1, 2, 3, 7, 5
November 25th
9, 10, 8, 6,11
October 28th
4, 5, 2, 9, 5

November 4th
1, 2, 3, 7,4

November 11th
9, 10, 8, 6,11

Presentation Etiquette:
  • Presentation times start at exactly 2:15pm at which point roll call shall be taken for the whole class. 
  •  No admittance of late comers.
  • The groups presenting should hook up the projector and slides should already be loaded by 2:10pm.
  • All presentations are to be done by the entire group at the same time but in turns or pairs depending on the group leader's choice.
  • Time allocated is a duration of at-least 45 Minutes: 
  • Questions arising  may be directed to any group member whether or not they presented that particular section.
  • This protocol should be carefully observed to train students for the fourth year viva presentations. 

Links for groups of 2014-5 will be availed in my next post in the mean time I hope all groups have progressed significantly in their works.

Library Manager


  1. thanks 4 the information and we are hoping to see last years presentation soon.

  2. do u mean that each group will preset more than once.say like group 2 according to your timetable will present on October 21st,October 28th and November 4th.thanks

  3. On behalf of Group 7, I would like to apologize for the delay in uploading of our presentation on the blog. This was majorly due to the big size of the video files that I had to first reduce in memory size. However, feel free to follow the link below to enable you access the Power Point and Video Files all compressed.

    * I would also like to challenge the other group leaders also to step up and upload each of their individual copies of presentations. Wishing you all a miracle, fruitful and prosperous New Year, 2016.

  4. VERY wonderful sugestions by Crispus. Had not seen this before. But please group leaders if you can.


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