This is the long awaited assignments for SL217 students for 2015/2016 academic year.
Please make sure you attempt this before you sit for the exam on Monday 18th January 2016.

This gives you today only, or roughly 4 hours after church to attempt the question in its entirety: Remember it weighs heavy on all your coursework and test marks in this module and will be very influential in your final grade in this unit.

The time element is so important in the surveying profession as you will always find yourself with impossible deadlines to beat with clients and bosses breathing down your neck. This is part of it.
Hence this question; its time sensitive so try to attempt it within 4 hours. Consultations are allowed but only on this forum meaning do not call me unless through your coordinator. 
I would advise where challenged you meet and discuss in groups other than cacooning yourselves individually since a mistake made will be costly.

I expect emails of the results to my email:  latest 10 pm tonight 

Should you feel adventurous I recommend you also attempt the 2014 assignment on this blog as an exercises or revision for those who wish but if you feel confident enough about your Excel and Autocad knowledge there is no need.


Expect a similarly challenging paradox for your exam and come with a personal computer early enough like 7:00 am so that you find where to plug in, sit and settle as you wait to start your exam. We shall use both the civil and lands computer labs for this exam but non of the computers will be available to students only personal ones will be used during the exam. 




  1. I suggest that U provide US with A soft copy Exam just as U've done with thé assignment. Mugabi Andrew. ,(

    1. Thanks Mugabi. For ur suggestion might actually consider it next year but end up reducing the time to 2.5 hours.


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