Date: Sat 17th Sept 2022 @ 1200Hrs Until Friday the 30th Sept 2022 @ 2400Hrs

 Instructions to Candidates

  • This practical examination contains ONE Question with three sections,
  • Attempt all Sections of the question, Submitting results before set deadline
  • Personal or Laboratory Computers may be used as long as they have required software (Excel, Word & CAD) to accomplish the examination.
  • Submit your results personally through your email to the email: following all set criteria in the tasks.
  • The Examiner expects Individual work and has set multiple measures of scrutinizing student’s work with ethical hacking & anti-plagiarism tools.
  • Do not share your work and or DATA, CSV. DWG. or any other files with colleagues whilst accomplishing this examination because that’s going to be frowned upon.
  • Do not share computers while attempting this examination, each student should use a unique computer to accomplish his work. Borrow another if necessary.
  • Note that your examiner is equipped with the skill set to detect shared files and data so. Do not fall victim to plagiarism both the kind giver and the lazy receiver shall fall victim. (Consider this fore warning given).
  • Compress all resulting work into one zipped folder, give that folder your full name and email it to before Friday the 30th of September 2022 @ Mid Night 00:00am.


Assuming you are an assistant field surveyor at Nathaniel Consult Survey Company, you collected the topographical data in the field with your supervisor and he has requested you to present final results to the client on Saturday 01st October, 2022 at exactly 07:00am. He expects a thorough presentation with Maps, Sections, alignments and a complete topographical report in the meeting with the proprietor of Plots 3368, 3369, 3370 & 3371 in Lubowa and explain your survey works.


Note the following:

1.     The field work was carried out yesterday early morning and your supervisor was definitely still drunk from the “Nyege Nyege Launch Concert” yesterday.

2.    When you applied for the job you had explicitly implied that you were practically a magician with GNSS equipment, CAD software and excellent at report writing. (Perhaps that’s why your boss isn’t worried at all)

3.    You obtained a GNSS rover - from Ms. Joy at Nathaniel Consult Limited – Nakasero Office connected it to eaglecors network and that’s the equipment that you used for field data collection.

4.    Your boss promised to draw the site sketches during fieldwork, and also note the descriptions used in data capture as well as download the data from the controller BUT that was a terrible miscalculation on your part – you should have done it all personally because he was still too high to do anything well.

5.    Luckily you know Ms. Joy from Nathaniel Consult and decide to ask her to send you the data from the controller which she promptly did:


CLICK HERE (to obtain your data)


6.    Now it is Saturday and your supervisor has another one of those “Nyege Nyege” nights out back in Jinja so you are on your own and come Friday the 30th September all eyes will be on YOU and your skillset.



Task One

·         Log on to

·         Subscribe to the Blog and download you field data.

·   Contact the Administrative Assistant of Nathaniel Consult Ltd – (Ms. Joy) on 0753 916831, introduce yourself and request for a base map and field cadastral print for the Lubowa topographical survey project that your boss forgot to share. (Preferably use WhatsApp)

·         Go through and try to understand your data from the .xls file Ms. Joy sent you.

Task Two:

  • Using Land Enabled AutoCAD (or Civil3D) produce topographical Maps for the project. Including designing and create Suitable longitudinal and cross sections from your created project surface.


Task Three:

  • Write a topographic Survey Report of the works done for your client using Microsoft Office tools like Excel, Word and Power Point. 
  • Create PDFs of your drawing printable at an appropriate paper size.
  • Prepare brief Presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint to use when presenting to the client and your boss.
  • Compress or ZIP all the above stipulated work and email them to your boss ( for his opinion before the meeting and presentation morning of 30th September 2022. 

PS: Since submission deadline is on Friday, Let us all Hope he will be sober this time round.

Good Luck & Success.



  1. In cases of further Inquiries about the practical exam. Use this platform.


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