Date: Fri 24th March 2023 @ 0800Hrs Until Thur 30th March 2023 @ 2400Hrs


Instructions to Candidates

  • This practical examination contains ONE Question with three sections,
  • Attempt all Sections of the question, Submitting results before set deadline
  • Personal or Laboratory Computers may be used as long as they have required software (Excel, Word & CAD) to accomplish the examination.
  • Submit your results personally through your email to the email: following all set criteria in the tasks.
  • The Examiner expects Individual work and has the necessary skillset with multiple measures of scrutinizing student’s work with ethical hacking & anti-plagiarism tools.
  • Do not share your work and or DATA, CSV. DWG. or any other files with colleagues whilst accomplishing this examination because that’s cheating.
  • Do not share computers while attempting this examination, each student should use a unique computer to accomplish his work. Borrow if necessary but not concurrently.
  • Do not fall victim to plagiarism both the kind giver and the lazy receiver shall fall victim. (Consider this fore warning given).
  • Compress all resulting work into one zipped folder, give that folder your full name and email it before Thursday the 30th of March 2023 @ Mid Night 00:00am.
  • NOTE: As soon as you will create your csv from the data, auto IP and Mac tracking shall be enabled on your files and you will be found out if you share, or copy another students files, be it raw or processed - so be careful and vigilant.


As an intern field surveyor at Nathaniel Consult Limited, you were assigned a task to carry out a topographical survey with an assigned field supervisor. Final project results are expected to be presented to the client on Friday 31st March, 2023 at exactly 07:00am. Your team leader expects to go through the results at midnight of the 30th of March 2023. This may cost you your internship or supervisor's job because your team leader expects a thorough presentation with Maps, Sections, alignments and a complete topographical report in the meeting with the proprietor of a sugar factory in Hoima on Plot 314 Block 9 Kiswaza.


Note the following:

1.     On Wednesday the 22nd of March 2023 evening you were tasked to carry out a topographic survey of a newly developed sugar factory site in Hoima district. The NC Ltd provided you a filed supervisor (Mr. Kaboyo Julius) to supervise and accompany you on the job.

2.    You obtained a GNSS rover from Nathaniel Consult head office at Nakasero with a connection to EagleCORS network as the equipment to use for field data collection on the project.

3.    The field work was carried out next day early morning in Hoima district. However much to your surprise, upon arrival on site, your supervisor Mr. Julius immediately insisted on a tour of the alcohol distillery section on the site, saying it was one of the most important elements of the work and he needed to see it ‘firsthand’ – 'I gatta see it wello wello' He said.

4.    Upon return from his tour of the distillery, you noticed that all of a sudden he seemed abit visually impaired and couldn’t walk or talk well, despite his situation, he insisted on supervising and assisting you with your work.

5.    For the sake of not making any mistakes you inquired if he was okay, and he meekly explained that while on his visit he had climbed up the conveyor belt and slipped, falling (or more accurately diving) directly into a large barrel of alcohol and nearly drowning, but he however assured you. 'Eeeeh but am now feeling much better. Am fine don't worry'. He said.

6.    Remembering that when you applied for the internship you had explicitly implied that you were practically a magician with GNSS equipment, CAD software & excellent at report writing. (Perhaps that’s why your team leader entrusted you with his least serious field supervisor)

7.    Your field supervisor insisted on drawing the site sketches during fieldwork, and also take field notes such as descriptions used in data capture as well as later downloading the data from the GNSS controller and giving it to you.

8.    This was a terrible miscalculation on your part – you should have done it all personally because he was still too impaired to function correctly and to do anything promised well.

9.    Your supervisor being a senior member, says you have everything you need to produce the map but you are worried. You remember that Ms. Joy works at Nathaniel consult and want to ask her to assist you remedy the situation so that you can produce the results of the work:

10.  On Thursday the 30th March before Mid Night all eyes will be on YOU and your skillsets as you submit your work to the team leader and discuss with him your results.


Task One

  1. Use to find more about Ms. Joy and how she can assist you.
  2. Contact her minding your manners and establish how she may help you.
  3. Tell her about your challenges in the field and how you would like to b helped.
  4. Use both phone call and or WhatsApp as maybe necessary.

Task Two:

  1. Using Land Enabled AutoCAD (or Civil3D) produce topographical Maps for the project. Including designing and create Suitable longitudinal and cross sections from your created project area. Create PDFs of your printable maps and reports at an appropriate scale and paper size.

Task Three:

  1. Using Microsoft Office tools Write a topographic Survey Report the client. Answer some of the client's concerns such as; how much land is taken up by each structure and the entire road network, how long is the fencing for the factory area, how many trailers can comfortably be parked in the designated parking area?


Task Four:

  1. Email all used data and results in softcopy including .dwg, .docx, .pdf, .csv, with your lecturer who somehow is also affiliated to the NC organization somehow. Make sure the work is zipped into one (1) folder and named as; SL 217 followed by both your names. 
  2. Eg. Student OYE KATUMBA shall name zipped submission folder as SL 217 Katumba Oye


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